""Not all pop singers are created equally; though I’m not sure I’d call Spencer Sutherland a “pop” star, at least not of the traditional sort"
I haven’t seen a bad show at Union Stage yet. Recently I got the chance to cover an artist that really intrigues me on the rise, Spencer Sutherland. Best known for his streaming hit, “Flowers”, I think this guy could be as big as he wants to be; the talent is there, the charisma comes in spades, and the sound is just different enough to be singularly identifiable; these are the kind of popstars we need. The star on the rise got support from openers Michael Minnelli and Jordy.

Minelli and Jordy both did a solid job of warming up the stage. Minelli is a dope artist, his vibe and general stage presence offer a certain energized appeal that makes it difficult to stand still; and dudes got some moves, I’d have no problem at all inviting him to the cookout. As for Jordy, I definitely connected with his music sensibilities; though leaning much more pop than I’d prefer, the sound is good and the songwriting earnest. I particularly enjoyed his cover of Avril Lavigne’s essential classic “Complicated”.

Not all pop singers are created equally; though I’m not sure I’d call Spencer Sutherland a “pop” star, at least not of the traditional sort. Regardless, this dude has clearly set himself apart in my book; the marked element of theatricality in Sutherland’s music is nearly hypnotizing at times, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if any of his recent tracks landed on a Broadway stage. The special thing about [Sutherland] though, is the way that theatricality translates not just to the sound, but his stage presence as well. Movement, posture, attitude and all, at each opportunity the [clearly] once theater geek, lets bare the drama of his performing roots. Shamelessly, I’ll admit I’ve been hooked on this album [In His Mania] for weeks now, I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Another great show in the books!
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