How much crowd surfing is too much crowd surfing? If Knocked Loose is any authority on this question, the answer I assume is quite simple, its never too much. Taking over the Anthem for the last night of their tour, the hardcore stalwarts made sure to leave everything on the stage…and the concert floor. Joining [Knocked Loose] in support were Militarie Gun, Drain, and the Garden.

The energy at this show was virtually overflowing from the jump; and through every opening set, it only continued to grow. Though I wouldn’t call the Anthem the most intimate venue, and despite perhaps the widest photo pit I’ve had the pleasure of being in, the wealth of space did not stop the hard rockers from getting up close and personal. Throughout the night I watched not one, but two vocalists take the barricade and plunge into the surf. Drain’s Sammy Ciaramitaro might be the most energized vocalist I’ve seen in a show of this size; that dude simply did not stop, from the pit to the crowd to the stage, for thirty minutes straight, he was on; I got the photos to prove it.

By time we got to our headliners, the air was electric, and the people were juiced. The moment that curtain dropped, Lead vocalist Bryan Garris showed with a swift intent the true meaning of crowd control. Weather it was to scream, mosh like their lives depended on it, or surf across the crowd, every command was met with rousing obedience. Seeing the crowd swirl and crash from above was a glorious sight; At one point there were three separate pits formed in the crowd; I’ve honestly never seen anything like it.
As for the setlist, it was hard and fast, and covered the hits as well as many highlights from new recorded “You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To”. My personal highlights from the set were:
· Blinding Faith
· Piece by Piece
· Mistakes Like Fractures
· Deep in the Willow
· Take me Home

And I can’t leave without talking about the pyro! It [obviously] was hot, but damn if it doesn’t get the adrenaline pumping, seeing 10-foot plumes of fire shoot into the air. On top of the already dope lighting and overall stage design, the presentation of this set was top tier and an honest joy to experience and capture. The Knocked Loose hype is very much warranted, and I owe myself an apology for waiting so damn long to hop on the train.
Gallery Below!

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