The Gaslight Anthem Brings the History Books Tour to DC

"It isn’t often that you get to shoot two different bands for the second time, on the same night"

It isn’t often that you get to shoot two different bands for the second time, on the same night; but I’m here to say that I did just that. Back in October 2022, roughly two weeks apart, I photographed Pinkshift and The Gaslight Anthem; the former being their debut album release at Baltimore’s Ottobar, and the latter coming under the very same roof they graced on Tuesday night. Though those shows were amazing, it’s clear to see that both of these bands have come quite a way in the time since I last saw them. Trekking the US once more, [The Gaslight Anthem] are joined with support from Pinkshift, as well as Joyce Manor.

Pinkshift performing live at The Anthem in DC

Pinkshift started the night and damn did they start it loud. Not even two full years later and these kids are kickin’ ass. The growth is clear, from their confidence and stage presence to the music itself, its nothing short of impressive. Though they haven’t released a ton of new music since I last saw them, it’s evident that their sound is evolving, and getting better. The energy though, is what made their set. From go [Pinkshift] made the stage their own, jumping, kicking, and screaming their way through a blood pumping set. From where I stand, my fellow Baltimore natives continue an ascension that quite frankly I don’t foresee ending.

Joyce Manor performing live at The Anthem in DC

Joyce Manor stepped up to bat in the second slot. This was my first time hearing and seeing these guys, and I have to say, they present a very familiar sound and vibe. The moment they started playing, I understood; harkening back to the golden age of emo, their sound is of a time. Though I didn’t know any of the songs, it was clear that I was in the minority; singling along and crowd surfing to their heart’s content, the rest of the audience certainly understood the assignment.  This set was the perfect mixer, bringing down the energy, but keeping the vibes flowing and the crowd surfing.

The Gaslight Anthem performing live at The Anthem in DC

And then there were the headliners. As good now as they’ve ever been, the music hits every time. We got some new (Ocean Eyes, History Books, Little Fires), some old (45, Mulholland Drive, Mae), and all the things in between. There’s an invigorated energy to the band’s new music, a brightness that expounds upon their signature brand of poetic americana. It’s exciting to see the evolution in real time; and to know that as long as they’re kicking, there’s always hope for a good old fashioned rock show.

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