"That pureness of energy is something ever lacking in our world, but I have no doubt that artists like [Russell] will continue to pave paths of kindness and understanding for us all"
In a world where so many artists choose to shy away from the controversial and touchy subjects that haunt our society, its breath of fresh air to come across an artist who is willing to stand in the bare of their beliefs. These are the kinds of artists I can’t help but admire; and so, my introduction to Allison Russel this past Friday night was one of admiration, first and foremost. Opening up for global superstar Hozier on his Unreal Unearth tour, Russell set the mood with calmed intention as she strolled onto stage with her band, lighting a candle and cleansing the space before her.

Kicking off a night of rousing relaxation, [Russell] played through songs from each of her two studio albums: The Returner and Outside Child. Somewhere in the set, Allison took the time to speak on the need for continued education and acceptance in regard to the many marginalized communities pushed to the edge of our society, weather it be women, POCs, or those in the LGBTQ+ community.
My favorite of the soulful singer-songwriter’s performances came later on in the night, as she joined Hozier on stage for not one, but two songs; “Wildflower and Barley” (which Russell originally appears on) and “Work Song”.

Though I won’t pretend to be some super fan that could rattle off the names of every of Allison Russell song, I can say with certainty that she left a lasting impression in the short time she was given; one of patience, passion, and genuine kindness. That pureness of energy is something ever lacking in our world, but I have no doubt that artists like [Russell] will continue to pave paths of kindness and understanding for us all.
Full Gallery Below!

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