Album Review - Porter Robinson, Nurture

I mentioned that I was keeping this album on my radar in the New Music Friday post and well, I just need to highlight this one really quick.

It has been seven years since we first experienced Worlds. Think about that for a minute... Electronic music has changed so much in seven years. For Porter Robinson to have had to create the sound he was going for and keep it relevant takes so much talent - and it showed in this new album. The spacey unique sounding music that we were all used to in Worlds was definitely delivered on Nurture.

Porter continues evolving the way we look at electronic music with this album. At first listen I was very impressed with his use of tempo and structure to each song. Melodies were magnificent. These are 14 songs that I think will continue bringing success to Porter and his future as an electronic artist. He embraces what it really means to be at the forefront of innovation in the music space.

My favorite song is a tie between "Look at the Sky" and "Trying to Feel Alive". 10/10 album. Very stoked to listen to this on repeat for a while.